Mobirise Website Builder

About me

I am a full professor at IMT Atlantique (campus Nantes) and a member of the Stack team (joint team with Inria and LS2N). I received my Habilitation thesis (HDR) from the Nantes University in 2018 in which I proposed dynamic reconfigurations of software architectures (in particular for "Green Clouds"). 

I lead the think tank "Filière informatique nantaise" (created by the Nantes University, Centrale Nantes and IMT Atlantique) which aims to federate the main players in IT training in the Loire Atlantique region.


- Head of the industrial chair "ArchOps" with Kelio (2017-2026)
- Habilitation thesis (HDR). Dynamic reconfiguration of software architectures: from metaclasses to "green Clouds" (in french).  Université de Nantes, July 2018
- Best Paper Awards: conference ACM SAC 2024 (Symposium on Applied Computing), conferences CLOSER 2017 and 2018 (Int. Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science)
- Knight ("Chevalier") in Order of Academic Palms, a national order awarded by the French Republic, January 2016
- Head of a series of conferences on software technologies "Les jeudis de l'objet" (1999-2012)
- Full-time researcher at Inria between 2008 and 2010
- Involved in the development of the following software: WildCAT, FScript, CSLA
- Co-tutorial Chair @ ECOOP 2006 (20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 
July 3-7 2006, Nantes, France)
- OpenCorba : one of the first reflective middleware (1999)


I have been working in the field of software architectures for distributed systems since my PhD thesis. For 10-15 years now, I have been particularly interested in Sustainable Computing.
I am currently investigating self-adaptive component-based applications for large-scale distributed systems powered by renewable resources.

Research interests

My research interests include Middleware, Software programming/engineering, Autonomic computing and reflective systems, Green computing, Cloud/Fog/Edge computing and Digital twins software.


I have led several national projects for the Stack team, advised more than 10 PhD theses and post-doc, participated in several selection committees for the recruitment of assistant professors, acted as an expert for several national projects, served on a number of journal/conference program committees, been a member of some 20 thesis juries, given several guest talks, published more than 80 publications in the field of distributed software engineering and won several best paper awards.


- The Conversation "La chasse au gaspillage dans le cloud et les data centers" (in french), Jan. 2023

Last publications

ScroogeVM: Boosting Cloud Resource Utilization with Dynamic Oversubscription -- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2024

SLACKVM: Packing Virtual Machines in Oversubscribed Cloud Infrastructures -- IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster), Sep 2024, Kobe, Japan

Towards Digital Sustainability: Involving Cloud Users as Key Players -- IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, Sep 2024, Paphos, Cyprus

SweetspotVM: Oversubscribing CPU without Sacrificing VM Performance -- 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), May 2024, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), United States

VeriFog: A Generic Model-based Approach for Verifying Fog Systems at Design Time -- The 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’24), Apr 2024, Avila, Spain


  • Member of the board of directors of the national association "Talents du numériqueproviding information on / raising awareness of digital training and careers (since 2021)
  • Co-pilot of the national Ecolog initiative with INR aiming to offer structured teaching resources for sustainable IT, frugal software or green computing for higher education trainers (2021-2023)
  • Member of the teaching committee @ IMT Atlantique
  • Head of the apprenticeship program in Software Engineering FIL (2011-2023) @ IMT Atlantique
  • Head of the master of Computer Science GSI (2002-2007) @ IMT Atlantique
  • Courses (from bachelor's to master's degree)
    Middleware, Software engineering, Software architectures, Databases, Object-oriented Programming (Java)


  • PEPR Cloud (2023-2030): projects Taranis (Model, Deploy, Orchestrate, and Optimize Cloud Applications and Infrastructure) and CareCloud (Understanding, improving, reducing the environmental impacts of Cloud Computing)
  • PIA4 OTPaaS (2021-2024): Continuum de l’objet au Cloud et une convergence de l’IT/OT
  • Défi Inria-OVHcloud FrugalCloud (2021-2025): Eco-conception de bout en bout d’un Cloud pour en réduire les impacts environnementaux
  • ANR SeMaFoR (2021-2025): Self Management of Fog Ressources
  • Ademe Perfecto GL4MA (2019-2021): Green Label for Microservices Architecture  
  • Atlanstic 2020 CoMe4ACloud (2016-2017): Constraints and Model Engineering for Autonomic Clouds 
  • Labex CominLabs EPOC (2013-2017): Energy proportional and opportunistic computing systems
  • FSN OpenCloudware (2012-2014): Think to PaaS for Multi-IaaS Cloud Computing
  • ANR MyCloud (2010-2013): SLA and quality of service for Cloud Computing
  • ADT INRIA Galaxy (2008-2010): an open agile SOA framework
  • RNTL Selfware (2005-2008): plate-forme répartie sous administration autonome
  • RNTL ARCAD (2000-2004): adaptation dynamique de composants répartis
  • France Telecom R&D grant (1999-2001): infrastructure réflexive supportant la mobilité forte en Java



+33 2 51 85 82 19


Stack team, DAPI
IMT Atlantique, campus Nantes
4 rue Alfred Kastler, BP 20722
44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE

AI Website Creator